牛津版小学英语5A Unit9教案
发布时间:2006-03-22   点击:   来源:原创   作者:佚名

公开课教案 (2004.11)

常州市武进区奔牛实验小学  顾华娟

教学内容:牛津版小学英语5A Unit9



2.句型:What shape is it?/What shape is the …?

      It’s a /an…



Step1.New teacher: Let’s learn a new phonetice symbol.

Step2Free talk

1.     What’s in the classroom?

There is /are…

2. Can you sing a song for the teachers?

What can you sing?

3.      Let’s a song “We can sing and dance.”


1.      T: Today Miss Gu has a nice box here

      What shape is it?  Teach:shape /what shape

S: It’s a circle. Teach:circle

T: Do you have a circle? Please show your circle to us and ask: What shape is my …?

S: What shape is my …?

All: It’s a circle.

2.      What’s in it? Guess.

S:There are some sweets./There are some biscuits./There are some chocolates.

T: There are some chocolates.What shape is the bag?

It’s triangle. Teach: triangle

What shape is your ruler?

S: It’s a triangle.

T: How many triangles can you see?

S: I can see…

T: Do you like to have chocolates?

S: Yes,I do.

T: Let’s open it. What colour is it? What shape is it?

  It’s an oval. Teach: oval/an oval

T: Do you have an oval?

S: Yes. What shape is my …?

3.      T: What else are in the box?

S: There are some biscuits.

T: What shape is this biscuit?

S: It’s a rectangle. Teach: rectangle

T: What shape is…?Ask somethings in the classroom.

4.      T: What shape is this biscuit?

S: It’s a sqare. Teach:square.

T: Do you have a square?

S: …

5.      T: Boys and girls, do you have a heart?

S: Yes,we do .Teach: heart

T: What shape is it?

S: It’s a heart.

6.      T: What’s this in English?

S: It’s a star. Teach: star

T: What shape is this biscuit?

S: It’s a star.

T: How many stars are there in the sky in the evening?

S: There are a lot of stars.We can’t count them.

Step4. Practice

1.     Practice reading the new words.

2.     Read and draw.

3.     Look at the books,ask and answer.

Step5.Play a game.

1.     Can you make anythings with paper?

2.     Can you make anythings with all kinds of shapes?

Please show your picture to us:

S: This is a …It has…

S: Look at my ….There is …



Unit 9    Shapes


 What shape is it? It’s a/an circle/rectangle/oval/triangle/heart/star/sqare

 What shape is the …?    (Draw some shapes)   





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