6B Unit5 The seasons (教案)
发布时间:2013-05-29   点击:   来源:原创   作者:谢燕


6B Unit5   The seasons (The first period)
武进区奔牛实验小学 谢燕
一.教学内容:6B Unit5 B,C,E部分
1.四会单词: weather,summer,autumn,best,spring,winter,season
2.三会单词和词组:most,because,go rowing and fishing,warm,cool,
windy , cloudy,rainy,snowy,rain
3.四会句型:What’s the weather like…?
4.三会交际用语:Which season do you like best?
 I like…Why? Because it’s ….I can…
Step1.Warming up.
     (24\365\4)Look at these numbers.What do you think of?
     There are 4 seasons in one year.Today let’s walk to seasons.
     (Show the title:the seasons.)
1.Learn the four seasons.
(1)T: Which seaon is the best time of one year?
So we must keep our time.
Spring is a beautiful season.It comes in March..It’s coming soon. What can you do in spring?
(2)T: Which season comes after spring? Summer (summer holiday)
What do you usually do?
A: Which season do you like better, spring or summer?
B: I like better.
A: Why?
B: Because(因为) I can…           
T: The next season is the harvest season. Do you know what            season is it? (No pains no gains.)
(3) What do people like to do in autumn?
(4) There are four seasons in a year. The last season is winter.
winter ---winter holiday
A: Which season do you like better, autumn or winter?
 B: I like better.
   A: Why?
 B: Because(因为) I can…
2.Learn the weather.
 T: In different (不同的) seasons, the weather(天气) is different.
                         sweater / e / mother
  1). T: Sping is coming.What’s the weather like in spring?
    It’s warm. It’s warm most of the time in spring
   Does it often rain in sping?
    Yes,it does. It’s rainy in sping.
    A:What’s the weather like in spring?
B:It’s  warm and often  rainy .
2).T:Which season is it? What’s the weather like in summer?
    sunny---sunny city
    It’s hot and often sunny.---
3 ).T: What’s the weather like in autumn?
It’s cool and cloudy.Sometimes it’s windy.
(Ask and answer)
A: What’s the weather like in autumn ?
B: It’s cool and cloudy .
 Sometimes it is windy.
A: What do people like to do ?
B: People like to…
4) A: What’s the weater like in winter ?
B: It’s cold and cloudy . Sometimes it’s snowy.
A: What do you usually do ?
B: I usually …
Step3 learning summarise(知识总结)
1.     Four seasons
2.     weather
3.     Talk about your favourite season
T: Boys and girls, there are four seasons in a year.What's my favourite season? Do you want to know? You can ask me.
A: Which season do you like best?
  B: I like best.
A: Because it’s I can What do you usually do in?
B: I usually…
4.Let’s talk outthe weather in our hometown, Changzhou.
A:What’s the weather like in in Changzhou?
How’s the weather in?
B:It’sand often
A:What do people like to do ?
B:People like to
A:Shall we?
B:OK\Great.Sorry,I’m busy.
The seasons in Changzhou
I live in Changzhou. It’s a beautiful place(地方). It is w_______ in spring. The trees turn green. Sometimes it’s w_______. I like to fly kites.
In s______, it’s very h_______ and it’s often r_________. I usually go swimming with my friends.
In autumn,it’s often s____ and c_____.The days get shorter and the nights get longer.
In w_______, It’s very c____. Sometimes I can m_____ snowmen(雪人).
Step4.Introduce some places in China.
China is a beautiful country.If (如果)you have a chance(机会),you can go travelling (旅游).Do you like going travelling? I can give you some advice(建议)about the travelling in China.
1 Copy the new words .
2 Talk to your partner about the weather in your hometown

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