发布时间:2006-03-24   点击:   来源:原创   作者:佚名


Class_______ Name________Score________


武进区奔牛实验小学  顾华娟


一、           选择你所听到的内容。(5分)

(   )1. A.               B.          C.

(   )2. A.               B.          C.

(   )3. A.               B.          C.

(   )4. A.   right          B.ruler           C.row

(   )5. A. mum           B. some           C.come

(   )6. A.hat            B.cat             C.cap

(   )7. A.Mike’s new bike       B.Mary’s new bike   C.my new bike

(   )8. A.in the same row  B.in light yellow    C.near the window

(   )9. A.Which is your room?   B.Where  is your room?

C. Which is your clock?

(   )10.A.Are you Mr Green?

B.Are you Miss Green?

C.Are you Mrs Green?

二、           根据听到的句子,选择相应的答语。(5)

  )1 .A.He’s sixty.   B.He’s  Mr Zhang.  C.It’s  Li Lei’s.

 (  ) 2. A.Yes,it is.     B.It’s behind the door. C.No,it’s not mine.

 (  ) 3.A.Sure.           B.Me too.          C.Here it is.

 (  ) 4.A.It’s on the sofa. B.A red skirt,please. C.Here you are.

 (  ) 5.A.He’s in the park. B.He’s at  home.     C.He’s  at school.


(   )1. A.He’s  thirty.

  B.Yes,he looks young.

C.He looks young.

(   )2. A.It’s 4:00.  B.It’s 4:15.  C.It’s 5:15.


(   )3. A.It’s black.  B.It’s blue.  C. It’s black and blue.


(   )4. A.Yes, they are .   B.No, they aren’t . 

C.They are nice.

(   )5. A.Class3,Grade5. 




I’m an _________boy. My _______is John Smith. I’m_______.Look.This is a ______ of my school. I’m in Class____,Grade____. I have some _____. We are in the ______class.I like _____ very_____.  


笔试部分(80 分)

一、           A、找出每组单词中划线部分发音不同的那个单词。(5分)

(   )1. A.after         B.hers           C.ruler       D.sweater

(   )2. A.colour        B.clock        C.sorry          D.not

(   )3. A.orange        B.girl         C.jacket        D.job

(   )4. A.look          B.room         C.book         D.good

(   )5. A.think       B.morning      C.nine         D.wrong


1. Wang Fang _____     here and clean the ________      .   

2.Shall we   _______     and ______       it to Miss Li?                

3.They are not your _________    .Yours are _____      the  bag.

4.What’s the  ________      job?  He’s a  ______       .


1.去上课 ________________         6.put on your coat ____________

2.看黑板 _____________________    7.a quarter to three ________________

3.树上的三只鸟 ________________   8.How  beautiful! __________________

4.许多红花___________________  9.different colours ____________________

5.在下午的三点钟 ______________  10.one hundred and one ______________


(   )1.Li Ming and Zhang Hong________  some new pictures.

A.have        B.has    C.are

(   )2. ______ is he? He is a doctor.

A.What       B.What’s      C.Where

(   )3.Give _______ an orange, please.

A. my    B.him     C. his

(   )4.Ann is ____ English,she has _______old car.

A.an,an     B./,an     C.an ,a.

(   )5.It’s seven in the morning.Let’s  ____________

A.go to bed        B.go to school           C.have lunch

(   )6.There  ______a red ruler in the pencil-box.

A.is     B.are    C. have

 (   )7. ___________bananas can you see on the table?

A. How much    B. How many       C.What

(   )8.This is my sweater.________ is over there,on the bed

A.She     B.Her   C. Hers

(   )9.4.A: Are  you  all  here?    B: ____________

A. Yes,we  are.      B. Yes, you  are.     C.. Yes,I  am.

(  )10.____ we give Helen an apple?OK.

A.Are      B.Shall     C. Have



A:  May  I  come  in?

B:  Come  in,please.

A: Your  room  _______ very  nice. What’s  that _________  the wall? 

Is  it  a  _______?

B: Yes,it’s  a  photo  of  my  ___________.

A:  _________  the  woman  ____________  blue ?

B: She’s  my  mother.

A: Is  he  your  _________  ?  B:Yes, he  is.

B: What’s  ________  job? Is  ________  a  teacher?

A: Yes , _________  right.


1.――我找不到我的手表。 I can’t ________  my  _________.

 ――难道你看不见吗? Can’t  you  __________ it?

   它在这儿。        __________  it  is.

2. 请把你的新书给我看看好吗?

Would  you   __________  your  new ______  ______ me ?


  It’s  ______  _______.Let’s  ____  _____  now.

4. 李虹旁边的男孩是谁?


 ――________  the  boy ________  Li Hong?

 ――Mr  Wang’s ___________.


 ――________  these  toy  dogs  your _________ ?

 ――No,________  my ____________.



Hello, I’m  Gao Shan. I’m  _1__ .I’m  from  Beijing.This  is  my  __2__ in  No.14  Middle  School.It’s  a  ___3___  class, but  it’s nice. My friend,Mike,is  English .He’s  4  London(伦敦).He  is  a  ____5__  student, but  his Chinese  is  6 .My  English  teacher,Miss Gao ,she’s  young  and  7. She’s a  very  good 8  and  we’re  good  students.

(  )1.A.Chinese ( 中国人,汉语 ) B.English  C.American (美国人)

(  )2. A.school       B.grade       C.class

(  )3. A.small        B.good        C.clean

(  )4. A.in           B.at          C.from

(  )5. A.old          B.new         C.nice

(  )6. A.good         B.nice        C.bad

(  )7. A.nice         B.old         C.heavy( 重 )

(  )8. A.teacher      B.woman       C.girl


  I  have  six  baskets. Three  are  big . There  are  small. I  have some  pears  and  some  oranges. I put  three  pears  in  each(每个 ) small  basket,and  I  put  three  oranges  in  each  big  basket  and  one  orange  in  each  small  basket.The number  of  oranges  is  my  age(年龄).

(  )1.I  have  _________  pears.

A.there    B.five   C.seven    D.nine

(  )2.I  have  _________  oranges.

A. six     B.eight     C.ten     D.twelve

(  )3.—What  are  those  in  the  small  baskets?

—They ’re  _________.

A.nine  pears     B. nine  oranges 

C.three  pears  and  nine  oranges  D. nine  pears  and  three  oranges

(  )4.—Where  are  the  pears?

--They  are  in  the __________.

A.   three  big  baskets  B.three  small baskets  C. a big  basket

D.a small basket

(  )5.—Do  you  know  how  old  I am?

--I’m  _________.

A.nine    B.ten    C.eleven    D.twelve

(  )6.Can  you  guess  the  meaning(意思)  of  the  word “basket” ?

A.一种容器  B.一种水果 C.人物   D.手指


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